One of those Weekends

This weekend was one of those weekends. You know the kind of weekend I am talking about. The kind where you just want to stay in bed all day and try doing the whole weekend thing again next week. Despite my plans to do nothing I ended up doing all kinds of random things. It was totally just one of those weekends….

If you must get out of bed on any day- do it for Tina Fey. A friend and I spent the afternoon window shopping and then watched Admission, the new Paul Rudd and Tina Fey movie. This was my first trip to the movies in a long time and I think I made a good choice. It was a fun movie, light hearted and not so predictable that even I could have written the screenplay. I have loved Mister Rudd since clueless and Ms Fey is a comedic timing genius. I totally give it 3 and a half out of 5 get out of beds.

While window shopping we stopped at this little gem called Francesca’s. it is one of those stores you walk through and want of anything but always walk out with nothing. I swear I’ll come back for all of it.


Also someone get me all of these things I saw while shopping with my eyes and not my wallet





Totally enjoyed these with my tummy not my eyes…and stopped to smell the flowers



I also started the couch 2 5k program on my RunKeeper App. Ill be running a 5k by May…Or something like that 😉


This weekend was also a special weekend. It is the weekend that my Baby Boy Mateo should have come home. While I talk about my grief and my journey with baby loss in my other blog but I couldn’t share my weekend without sharing this very important part of it. As a way to honor him I made cupcakes and took them down to the Ronald McDonald House. I am grateful to have given back even if it was in just a small manner. The way I see it every day is my due date, every day is the day my baby should have come home. On March 25th is the day I make cupcakes to commemorate that.




So after having one of those weekends, you know the type what do I say to this coming week?


We Belong Together

This week over 200 women from 26 different states all came together to demand that Immigration Reform include protections for Women. Immigration is a woman’s rights issue. If you don’t believe me ask women like Maria, from San Francisco. She shared a story of being fired and then reported to Immigration Enforcement when she went to the police after her boss, for which she was a housekeeper beat her during a shift one day. One woman told the story of calling the police with a domestic abuse call, the police came and arrested her for not having documents and left her children with her abusive husband. Immigration Reform needs to include protections for women. immigrant Women are in an extremely vulnerable position and we cannot continue to be a nation that breeds abuse and exploitation in the shadows. The Time Is Now.

During the first night of the conference we were surprised by guest speaker Dolores Huerta. Now if you don’t know who Dolores Huerta is, don’t worry I’ll tell you- she is amazing! She has been on the forefront of Women Rights, Worker’s Rights, Immigrant Rights and of course Farm Worker Rights. Along side Cesar Chavez, she created a Farm Workers Movement that took the world by storm. Even now in her 80’s she continues to challenge the status quo and stand up for worker’s rights, for women’s rights, for human rights. It was an honor to hear her speak and then to get to meet her and and thank her for paving the way for activists like me.

When I wasn’t hurrying through the halls of congress, I took in some of the D.C. sights. The weather was beautiful and I walked around grateful for living the kind of life where I can freely take all of this in.















Saturday Saturday

Totally spending one of those Saturdays where one does a whole lot of nothing. It has been great. Earlier this week I found an adorable pot at the Goodwill so today I bought some seeds- marigolds- so I can plant and have some flowers @ the office. Spring is in!

Other things I spent my day on

* spent all day with the bestie Alex


* baked a (healthy) vegetarian baked mac & cheese

* Watched Tiny Furniture ( oh Ms. Dunham!) while Stumbling and Pinning and finding gems like this…


Want this bag in my life pls